Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm stupidly, head over heels in love right now. Just thought y'all should know.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some pictures for your viewing pleasure :)

Life = Good

Well, life is great right now. Stressful, broke, but great!!

I'm trying to figure out what classes/where I'm going to take them. A+M just isn't affordable if I want to pay for it myself. Hah, I mean have to pay for it myself. Looks like I'll be taking KINE at Blinn and French at Midland College online. LOTS cheaper. Probably about 500$ for both, which is doable if I do a payment plan. In preparation for all this, I'm frantically sending out transcripts and I have to take a placement test for French to see what level I should be taking..

And my car is f-ed up. ERG! The key keeps getting stuck in the ignition. Have an appointment thursday, hopefully it's covered under warranty. Damn life is expensive!!

But...this semester of epic failure is over. Who knows if i passed anything.

And...well the social/love life is going great :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Probably will not be going home for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update for November

Well, once again it's been forever between bloggishness.

As for school...I'm not graduating this semester. Probably not til Spring or Summer, depending on if I can get financial aid or not. It just was getting too much for me. It's my own fault. My mom and sister aren't talking to me. It blows.

My social life is hoppin though! lol. I'm going out far too much.

Still single :p

Well, again, a useless blog.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I really hate being alone.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bored bored booooreddd

Well, I've got bronchitis and I'm stuck on the update it is....

Honestly don't have too much to write, I have a wonderful wonderful new group of friends. No significant other, which is getting a little lonely. Family....let's just say I won't be going home for Thanksgiving...

yikes, that was a happy entry

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


More to write, no time to write it.

I went to a poetry slam the other day. To be brutally honest, the only one that actually reached out and grabbed me was done by the host. That being said, I admire the guts it takes to get up there and just.....explode your passions. I was thinking about how I used to write. Not sure if I was ever any good. But...obviously I like writing. Hence, blog? The closest I've gotten to poetry lately was the darn colorguard poem!

As for school and life and love....things are happening, pretty much good things :) I need to learn to calm, to let go, to....relax? Yes. It's only when I get into a relationship that I realize that my 'issues' ahem aka BPD really do still have control of me. I worry intensely over stupid things, I overanalyze, I cling, yadayada, etc. So, let's try this another way. Let's realize that the little things don't matter in the long run, that I'm a great person just as I am, and that if I can get through the last year, I really can do anything.

I need to find a mantra, something to tell myself when I start to get wound up or worried. These last two months have been so blissfully free of drama and concern and pain, and I'd like it to stay that way.

A hobby would be good. Other than books :p Maybe I should pick up writing again. I just feel sometimes like my thoughts aren't worth reading? But then again, it's for me, so who cares what they think?

Saturday, October 3, 2009


You know, when you're a history major, people will invariably ask you if 'you want to teach.' I can't even count the times people have assumed I'm going into teaching. There really are so many options for history majors, but becoming a teacher seems to be an assumed profession. For this reason, teaching had always been on my back burner. I was tired of people (including parents) trying to railroad me into becoming one. has always been on my mind as a career choice, not because it's the 'sensible, or ideal choice,' but because the amount of impact you have on people's lives as a teacher is immeasurable. I've learned a lot about myself over the past couple years working at EdMS. I know that sometimes I have trouble being patient, but that I'm also a leader. I'm that go-to girl when someone needs help, or needs a problem solved. I don't take crap from anybody, and I know when to lend a hand. It's only been recently that I've realized that I would, in reality, make a darn good teacher. I always thought that perhaps I'm a bit too impatient...maybe a little too bossy...maybe too fond of telling people what to do... but then thinking back on my teachers... the good ones knew how to handle 'problem students,' and were really people who could think outside the box and still get the job done. I think I could be good :)

It's really something I've been thinking about for quite some time, at least a couple years. Whenever I thought about what I wanted to be, what my 'big kid' job should entail...I invariably came back to becoming a high school history teacher. I love history. LOVE. I love realizing that patterns occur over and over, that the countries we see as so different really follow some of the same paths. I love learning about the random and crazy tidbits (defenestration, anyone?). I want students to love it too. I want to inspire people like my teachers (not just history) inspired me. When people think about who had the greatest impact in their lives, teachers undoubtedly make the majority of the lists. I want to change people's lives. I want to make them better. I want kids to love my class, to love learning about history. I want them to realize that history doesn't have to be a painful exercise in memorization. I want creativity.

I suppose I'm being overly idealistic. I know it's going to be hard. I know my feelings will be hurt probably daily, that I will go home exhausted and have to get up and do it all over again. I'll probably catch more colds than I know what to do with, I'll have to follow state standards and figure out how to keep kids in line.

But I'm so excited. I really want to do this.

Wish me luck, I'm meeting with the advisor program on Monday! Let's hope she thinks I'd be a good teacher too :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

And so on...

It's been about two months since James and I broke up. To be completely honest, it is probably the best decision I made in years. I've had a great time reconnecting with my friends, who were kind enough to welcome me back to a social life. I just wish I had left sooner. Nothing is worth that.

However...I need to calm it down a bit. I've gone out and partied far far too much, and my sleep schedule and bank account is suffering. I settled down this week when I realized that I had to work 35-40 hours a week to pay for everything. It's hard. Working this much on top of trying to do my best in school is rough. I haven't gone to bed before 2am in a few weeks. Reasons? I'm either at work til midnight, studying til midnight, or on the weekends, blowing off steam until god knows when. I really would like to graduate, not only for the diploma, but for the reason that I can't handle school + a full time job. I'd love to be able to say that I'm mature enough, and a hard enough worker, that a 50-60 hour week is doable. But it isn't. I'm always exhausted, I'm always tired, and this is getting so old. I don't know what I'd do if I was taking a full load. Dropping that extra class was a good idea. I don't have time for anything else.

But...I'm going to hold on. I'm going to study and work as much as possible to reach my goals. I'm going to apply to grad school. I'm going to get through this semester'o'hell and finally get on my way.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I do all this because when I stop, it all comes right back

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some of my favorites

These relate to my life in some fashion:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Attempting to Update

Alright, I've been meaning to update for a couple weeks now, but my life has been happily busy! School started two weeks ago and of course I am now super busy with classes and homework. It's my last semester in school, and obviously I want to graduate, so I'm really putting a lot of effort into it. Yesterday I spent 6 hours studying for Latin! Yikes! However, I really do need the study time so I don't mind it too much. As nerdy as it is, I really do like going and studying in the library, especially when my friends are working. It makes the time go by faster, and provides some necessary distractions.

As for the social life, it's going well. I'm learning to temper my party/friend time with studying, and it's going great. I've had a couple dates, but I'm also enjoying being single. It's nice not to have to listen to someone complain or be negative. I'm a much happier person these days!

I'm looking forward to this weekend, I'll be going to the Woodlands tonight after work to see Brad Paisley and Dierks Bentley with a friend of mine from high school, and then spending some much needed time with my family. My sister Sara is going through some rough times right now, and I'm glad I'm able to go home and see her and give her a hug :) So this weekend is shaping up to be a good one, and hopefully Sunday will be a productive study day!

I'm still wanting to find a church to go to, if anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate them!

Oh! I also got a new camera charger, so expect lots of pictures!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ramblin on

Ok, I'm not sure why I am attempting to type a blog on this keyboard. It likes to screw up majorly, and delete everything. So who knows if this will even make it to the blogosphere. Heh. Anyways I'm still enjoying the hell out of my life, at least for another 5 days until school starts. Work is GREAT! I don't know if I wrote about my promotion, but yes, promotion has started and I'm busy busy. It's not too bad. Also, my favorite red-headed patron has returned from summer break. (:

I will admit that living alone is pretty lonely. It gets a little boring, but at least I'm at work 9-5. I'm realizing as I'm writing this that I really have no reason to be writing.

Oh! I am excited to be getting my loan refund! That's what I can do, I'm gonna make a list of shit to buy.

- Kitty! Lainey is holding on to my new kitty that I have yet to meet until I have money for the pet deposit/pet goodies
- New computer. I was thinking about getting a good gaming laptop off of newegg, because it's a better deal than getting a laptop.
- Hairdye. I'm gonna make my hair purdy.
- More tattoo? I'm torn on this one. On one hand I don't want more attention on my back. On the other hand, maybe if I added a bit that I really loved, I wouldn't feel so self-conscious.
- Piercing? Maybe?

There are other things, I'm sure, but I need a soda

Friday, August 21, 2009

For Your Amusement

So I'm reading my other (OLD) blog and I came across this poem I wrote. Enjoy.


We throw flags and weapons for fun
And stand for hours in the blistering sun
From 3-5 we spend our time
On the parking lot with white yard lines

Were you to watch us practice you would admit
By a flag or rifle you would not like to be hit
Bruises and scrapes are everyday things
Flags have been known to reshape class rings

This year the colorguard has it's own bus
We love our driver, and he loves us
As we drive in the lot our voices are heard
Screeching to each other like overzealous goatherds.

In the stadium stands we jump and shout
Like lunatics we leap about
Those football players have no moves
Compared to our coach's fabulous grooves

Before the halftime show we all have our rituals
Passing a pinkie shake back or doing some jiggles
On goes the smile, our hearts start to pound
We hope that our equipment stays off the ground

Stephanie raises her arms and begins the ballad
Our faces, for sure, are considerably pallid
We switch to automatic and go through the motions
Our heads are spinning with a rush of emotions

There goes the last note, it's time for our pose
Oh great, I've got an itch on my nose
A bass drum taps off, we march to the side
Grins sticky with sweat turn into smiles of pride

Now how can you say this isn't hard work?
The turmoil and precision could drive Einstein beserk
And what was the point to this litte poem?
This guard gets no respect, and its time that we show 'em

Life is Good

I'm getting awfully bad at writing these in a timely manner. It's for a good reason though- I've had a social life! The last couple of weeks have collectively been the best/worst I've had in a long time. The stress of breaking up with a long-term boyfriend that you live with is not something I would recommend to people. However, when that breakup leads to you being a happier person, I think it can officially be considered a change for the better. It's been a blast, honestly. I've met new people, went to parties, had a girls' night, etc etc. And it's been exhausting, but liberating. I love being able to go where I want, do what I want. And surprisingly, I'm not lonely living by myself. I really enjoy having my alone time, maybe watching some True Blood (good!) or reading a Maeve Binchy novel that I'm into right now. In hindsight, I should have kept up my social life while I was with the ex. I have a terrible tendency to ignore dear friends, and that is something I will not do again. I'm having too much fun!

As for the rest of my life, there have been some all around improvements in other areas as well. I work at the library, and my friend Hillary is leaving us to go on to her 'big girl' job at Special Olympics. I'm very happy for her, and will miss her terribly (mostly because she is my buddy in the war against our co-worker). However, I am lucky enough to be taking her place, which essentially is as a student supervisor. I got promoted! I really wasn't expecting it, but I know I can do the job well, and of course the raise doesn't hurt. I am pretty nervous about remembering all the new things, and also about being in 'a position of power.' It isn't that I'm not capable of telling people to do things, it's that everyone I work with is around the same age as me, and I've worked with them for months, if not years. It's a little awkward being able to order them around. I think for the most part I'll keep my mouth shut. I'd like to keep the friends I have at work, not make them think I'm domineering.

So that's the job, and the social life. Both are doing swimmingly. I do hope that I have time to go to some concerts this weekend, if I can rustle up some cash. I don't think it would be too boring to go by myself. Right? We shall see.

I'm considering making some changes in my life. First off, I want a pet. :) I've never had one, EVER, and I think it's about time for a furry friend. As far as I know, I'm getting a kitten, as long as my apartment complex allows them. I keep meaning to check on that. But regardless, I'm gonna get one and enjoy the hell out of it. Also, I think I might be getting another tattoo. Boo and hiss me all you want, but I'm always going to love tattoos. It comes with the package. Anyways, I have this big back tattoo that is essentially a paragraph. It gets a lot of looks, compliments, and hostile stares, and I think I want to make it bigger. hehe. Go big or go home, right? I'm going to go back to the guy who did the original one, and see if he can spruce it up a bit. Mom will be thrilled. She probably won't be too happy with my eyebrow piercing or hair dye. I think my family/friends are used to my multi-colored hair by now though. This makes me sound like I'm going through a rebellious teenage angst phase of some sort. No, who I really am involves weird hair and piercings. I had tamed myself down for the sake of a relationship, and that's another thing that won't happen again.

Another pretty big change I'm contemplating is going to church. I was raised Catholic, and up until about 6th grade, I went to Sunday School and occasionally to church. I never really felt comfortable in the Catholic environment, however, and have pretty much shunned the ecclesiastical since then. Lately though, I honestly feel like something might be missing, and maybe what's missing is a spiritual life. It makes me a little uncomfortable to admit it. To be honest though, I have no idea where to start. I think all my friends consider me a liberal hippie atheist, or something along those lines. It's the unfortunate side effect of body modifications. It makes me worry that if I did attempt to go to church, I wouldn't be welcomed.

Anyways, that's my extra-long ramblings for the day. Back to work!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I haven't written in a while. It's been stressful. Boyfriend and I broke up early last week, and since we live together, it was essentially getting a divorce....splitting up the furniture, dishes, etc and trying not to kill each other. All in all, not one of my better weeks. But I've moved into a new, big apartment, and even though I spent seven hours moving yesterday (TIRED) I'm feeling good about this new part in my life. No idea where I'm going or what I'm doing, I'm just going to try and graduate this semester and get on with it.

So, if anyone wants to help me unpack, or knows where to find a bed (full or bigger) let me know! I'll buy ya dinner!

Friday, July 31, 2009

For me!!

I found my Christmas present.

I love this book. And I found the author's website that offers SIGNED copies! For not too much! I want! :D

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Feeling rotten today. Might be a day for donuts and cookies. Some sort of fattening goodie. Work is terribly boring today for some reason, and I can't bring myself to start another book right now. I also only have pop tarts for lunch. Sigh. Anyways, a couple of things for your viewing enjoyment:Does anyone else remember these? I LOVED them! They were on a list of the 10 worst drinks apparently not everyone did. But they fascinated my elementary school self! I remember drinking them at slumber parties and begging for them at the grocery store. Yumm.....


The most frightening picture I've ever seen.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Favorite Things

I attempted to look cute today. Who knows if I succeeded. Thanks to a combination of a generous boyfriend and a credit card that will take me forever to pay off, I managed to pick up a few new (used) things to wear. Plato's closet is great, but being the size I am...not so many choices for me. I did manage to get a few nice things though. And goodwill! Got new jeans! I love old clothes! \

Work is starting to stress me out. I enjoy quiet environments, and it is decidedly not quiet here anymore. Too many people! I don't do large groups. Hermit, loner, what have you. I don't like it! I've been applying for other jobs (along with being noisy, my hours are getting cut. Humph) and heard back from one. Cross your fingers? I feel like I should have a better paying job by now. I'm still making minimum wage, and that irks me. Does almost being graduated from college really count for nothing? The boy sent me an interesting article about how four year degrees are really a stupid idea, and I'm starting to agree. Why is it so important for my future that I take four (or more) long years of required classes? Why does being in a huge playpen of undergraduates who have no love of learning = good employee potential? I'm at the point where I'm counting up my loans and thinking that perhaps I should have gone to community college, if at all. I love to learn, please don't misunderstand, but I hate college. I hate being forced to take math when I have no interest in it. I find it disappointing that there are only a smattering of interesting history classes to take anywhere (at least for undergrad). I don't like the drinking culture, I have no interest in school spirit, and I'd much rather have read history books on my own for four years (and probably have learned more!). College is a good option for some people. In my household, it was required. It just wasn't for me.

Enough of that! The two pictures are of a neat pop-up card I found on etsy...and of some nom-worthy cookie monster cupcakes courtesy of this blog. Delish!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm awfully excited right now. My dad (and family) decided that finally, FINALLY, we will be visiting our extended family in Iowa. We haven't been up there in about 4 years, so I'm super excited. That part of the family is a great deal of fun, and anyways, it's a free vacation for me! Interestingly, I just happened to read an article on MSN about European-style little towns in the US. One called Pella, Iowa was on the list. And it happens to be in the same area that we are going to. It apparently has a distinctly Holland-esque theme. I'm going to see if I can convince my parents to make a short stop there on the way to Cedar Rapids from the airport. :D We missed the tulip festival by a couple of months, but I still think it could be worth a visit! It looks adorable,

This weekend was nice, I finally made it to Caffe Capri with James, and it was fantastic! The decor was wonderful, not something you would expect in B/CS, and the service/food was wonderful. We were stuffed by the end. Definitely going back. We had the mozzarella squares, tortellini (me!) and seafood ravioli (james), as well as mousse cake for dessert. Nomnomnom. :)

And we bought 4 new video games this weekend. lol. At Hasting's there was a 3 for 20$ we got three. And then happened to find an Age of Empires multi-pack sitting on top of the Coraline display at Best that came home with us too. There goes my free time tonight!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Beer as a metaphor

I'm writing twice today because I'm trying to formulate ideas in my head that are better served being slapped down in a blog. Organization is easier when I can see what I'm thinking. Someone at work today asked everyone what they did to dunk their ring. At Texas A+M, dunking your ring, or more specifically, putting your ring in the bottom of a pitcher of beer and chugging it, is quite the tradition. One I did not partake in. At the time, I was somewhat more into partying and alcohol, and was fully aware that an entire pitcher of any sort of alcoholic beverage would send me to the hospital. However, when thinking about it today, I began thinking about the fact that in all actuality, I don't drink anymore. Sure, there's beer in our fridge, but it's entirely the boy's domain. I can't actually remember the last time I finished an entire beer.

So, why? About a year ago, I could be said to have enjoyed partying, getting tipsy and/or wasted. Now? No way. In fact, I don't see the point. I like my brain cells, thank you very much. I felt like such an old woman when I chastised this particular co-worker for wanting to take 10 shots (IN ONE SITTING). But honestly, the things college kids do to their bodies for the sake of some booze is pretty horrific. Just look at the dunking tradition. An entire pitcher. As fast as possible. And then let's drink some more! No, thank you. I'm good. I don't think I'm superior to anyone because I don't drink, so don't get that opinion. Mainly, I'm realizing that my aversion to alcohol can be seen as somehow, me growing up? (To be fair, many adults never grow out of this alcohol obsession) I no longer have interest in hanging out with the same group of friends that I did a year ago. They all party. All the time. On the other side of the wall, I get up for work at 8am and read books the rest of the day. And I like it. I don't want stupid pictures of me all over the internet, I'd like to be able to remember my nice nights, and to be completely candid, I don't think that strong, lasting friendships are formed over a beer pong table.

This probably isn't making much sense. Hmm. I guess I'm just surprised at how much a person can change in their interests and social life in the span of a year. However, I don't quite see it as a change. This is just who I used to be, before college peer pressures got in the way of reading books and eating cupcakes.

I get a raise...sort of

I haven't written in a while. I know you're devastated. I actually wonder if anyone reads this. I don't think I have any followers (I never bothered to look, but I assume they notify you) and although the link to this is posted on my facebook, I doubt there are many who are curious enough to click. Truly, this is fine by me. I am not writing for the anonymous masses in cyberspace. Writing is therapeautic (clicheeee) and I enjoy putting thoughts down. Anyways, there hasn't been much to talk about. My diet, well, went down the toilet when cookies and cupcakes got brought home from the grocery store (not me!!). I have no self-control. sigh. I was thinking about it though, about my weight and dieting, and even though I'm not happy the way I look now, I sure wasn't happy when I was skinny. I had problems with eating disorders, and truly thought my little 110-lb frame was grotesque. So..why should I be striving to be skinnier, when clearly I can never be skinny enough? Why not just eat what I want and be ok with the extra pounds? I'm not obese or anything. I could use some more exercise for health reasons. But really, why do I need to be skinny? For you? Just a thought. I'll be eating a cupcake when I get home.

I've been reading books quite a bit lately, a product of my extra free time and lack of cable tv. Currently on The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova. Huge, long, wonderful historical fiction. I love it. It's a vampire book for anti-Twilighters. No sparkles anywhere, just beautiful settings and wonderful characterization. I found it funny that the reviews I read on the book said it was too long, dragged on, etc etc. The longer the better, please! I read too fast for most books, this one has actually taken me a few days. Keeper! Speaking of Twilight...I read the Midnight Sun manuscript a few days ago while at work, and it was interesting. Made it an entirely new story. Still a poorly written, overly emotional story, but a new one. Heh.

Other than reading, I've been looking for a second job. My hours are getting cut due to budgetary restraints at the library, and I can no longer pay rent. My guitar is up for sale on craigslist and facebook, which I hope will bring in enough to cover my car insurance. I'm not trying for pity, it's just a fact of life that minimum wage isn't enough to support oneself on. I am glad that it's getting raised, but the 50 or so cent upgrade I'm getting isn't going to make much of a difference. It makes me curious as to how the general populace survives. Many work at the minimum wage level, and have families to boot. How on earth do they eat? I am lucky enough to live in a city where the standard of living (by US standards, at least) is fairly low. I pay about 335$ in rent, which is quite low compared to many of my friends in more expensive cities. Most of these friends/people I know are lucky enough to have parents supplementing their housing costs. Me, not so much, and I'm realizing how important it is to get a good, decent paying job. An on campus library job is great when mom and dad are paying the bills and you ned some extra going-out money. I'll be very glad when I graduate and am able to take on a full time job. Not living from paycheck to paycheck is definitely something to be treasured.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Day 2+3....let's just say James bought a box of cookies. 0_o

Heh. This weekend was nice, if a little boring. Sat around reading books (Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman is really good) and watched Spirited Away. I'm on a Studio Ghibli kick now. Rented Pom Poko and Nausicaa, two I haven't seen yet. Spirited Away remains my favorite.

I really don't have anything interesting to say today. Might play Halo tonight. Yah de dah.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Owwieeee + Glitches

Day 1 went well. By well, I mean that it hurts to move and I'm hungry. :p Signs of progress, no? As for today, I have a shy body. As in, I don't work out in front of people. Boyfriend home + no tv in bedroom= probably not going to work out. Yes, pathetic. I know. I know I'm not the only one. Attempting to contort my body into awkward positions and failing is not something I want an audience for....

Realization that I don't have enough money for cake decorating classes was a bit of a blow. Can't sign up for WoW again either. Yes, WoW. Judge away. To remedy this depressing situation, I'll be picking up extra hours at work.

James has been playing Fable 2, which is the glitchiest game I have ever laid eyes on. People float in air, wives disappear, a dead dog remains on the map...etc etc. Did they even play the game before they sent it out?
It's really surprising how bad the game is, since Lionhead Studios seems to have, in the past, cranked out some pretty good games. Black+White is one of theirs, and I enjoyed it without cursing the glitches at every turn. I should look into this.

Speaking of technology, I apparently have the black thumb of death. Both my laptop and my tv have decided to bite their thumb at me (hahaha....). My tv has some sort of striping that = no tv watching, and my laptop is basically a lost cause. James has tried to fix it twice, but it froze yesterday and...POOF. No more laptop. I'm on his right now. Considering that my desktop doesn't work either, I'm considering requisitioning this for myself.

Next time, I'm getting a Mac. PCs seem to have a shelf life of 3-4 years before they conveniently break down and force you to get an upgrade. Hmmm...shifty. James's Apple laptop is just as old as mine, plays more programs, and shows no signs of breaking. Mine is a giant paperweight.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Well, I need to lose weight.

Over the last year, due to too much inactivity and too little healthy food..I've gotten a bit on the hefty side.

Which is not all that fun. I used to be quite tiny.

So I think I'm going to start exchanging pizza for healthy choice and slimquick.

I have a workout DVD that I can use (can't use the gym during summer, not taking classes)

My theory is that if I do this publicly (HA! cause anyone reads this) it might give me some more inspiration to work harder. It is nice to be able to say to the world that you've dropped some pounds.

Here we go :)

Day 1!

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
- J.R.R. Tolkien

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I realized today that looking at fancy cakes can keep me occupied for hours.


I stumbled upon Crave Cupcakes today.....How is it I never heard of this? An entire bakery of cupcakes! Next time I go home....

I'd like to add on that I will be trying to partake in some cake decorating classes at Michael's. Anyone want to join? :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Why is everyone getting married so young?

Honestly, growing up in SL I was taught that you have a career before you get married, that you should be able to support yourself before getting attached to someone else...


every time I look at facebook, another one of my high school friends pops up as married!

(yes, i admit that as a previously engaged woman I am being hypocritical. don't judge. I'm not getting married til after grad school.)

I'm probably mostly jealous.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Grad School Inadequacies (Sp?)

Haha. Title says it all.

I've been looking for grad schools in History and/or Museum Studies to apply to for Fall 2010. Seems a long way off, but in reality I need to start making a list of places to apply and the supporting materials. I've taken the GRE, convinced three faculty/boss to recommend me, and I think I've narrowed it down to about 4 or 5 schools that I'd like to try for.

Unfortunately, I don't have the GPA. Don't get me wrong, the first 2 or so years of college, I rocked it. Dean's List, all the good stuff. Unfortunately, I've been sucking big time. My history (major GPA) is a 3.5; I'm hoping that since I want a grad degree in will make up for my pathetic 3.2 overall GPA. I'm so embarrassed by it. I could have done so much better. I suppose my only chance now is to kick massive collective ass this last semester and hope that it pulls it up enough to get me in.

Hope hope hope....

I have no idea what to do if I don't get in. I need a contingency plan.

I'm panicking pretty obviously over this.

In interesting news, A+M is offering an introductory course in Museum Studies this fall. I'm going to take it and see if it is truly something I am interested in applying for. If not, history it is.

I need advice.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what kind of advice to ask for or where to get it from.

The H is from the History Channel. After looking at it again....HOGWARTS!. haha. You better believe I have my midnight (well, 12:25) tickets!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just Add Butter!

I'm a lobster. The sun does not agree with me. And a strangely spotted and striped lobster, at that.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Well That's Ironic

Huh. I was aware that I had previously been on blogspot, but it was to my immense surprise when I started this one just now that my three (!!) other blogs from high school are still on here. I suppose it is linked to my e-mail.

I just read through the previous blogs. I'd like to apologize to anyone who has read them. I don't blame you for gouging your eyes out.

Not exactly the way I intended to start my new blogging adventure. I have commitment issues when it comes to blogs. Not sure how many I've had over the years. Apparently 3 (now four) just on blogspot. blogger. what have you.

Well. That threw me off a bit.

Anyhoo. I got tired of Xanga being so....competitive? Is that the right word? If you have one you might understand. People fighting for the limelight with their problems and misery is not my cup of tea.

Picture? Went to New Orleans last weekend. Good thing too; I had been considering Tulane for grad school. Not so much anymore. How did I survive those drivers??

Speaking of grad schools, it hit me yesterday that I might, hopefully, cross-your-fingers, graduate from college in December. I hate that. I hate that I took an extra semester rather than graduate in 2.5 years like I had planned going in. But...eventually I got there and none of your business why it took me so long. I'm not lazy or stupid.

ALTHOUGH! I just have to interject that my work environment lately has made me realize how entirely infuriating know-it-alls are. You know, the ones who have to tell you what offices they hold, what countries they have studied in, their SAT scores.....(this is college now, right?) I like to think of myself as an intelligent, well-rounded individual. I will not shove it in your face.

Poor non-existent readers. I go off on tangents. I applied (started applying) to grad schools today. On the board are UT, A+M, Rice, Baylor, and UofH. No idea where I will get in.

if you haven't already, go to ....happiness of my life. if i had more money.....ohhh the vintage dresses and yummy looking soaps i would buy!