Tuesday, October 13, 2009


More to write, no time to write it.

I went to a poetry slam the other day. To be brutally honest, the only one that actually reached out and grabbed me was done by the host. That being said, I admire the guts it takes to get up there and just.....explode your passions. I was thinking about how I used to write. Not sure if I was ever any good. But...obviously I like writing. Hence, blog? The closest I've gotten to poetry lately was the darn colorguard poem!

As for school and life and love....things are happening, pretty much good things :) I need to learn to calm, to let go, to....relax? Yes. It's only when I get into a relationship that I realize that my 'issues' ahem aka BPD really do still have control of me. I worry intensely over stupid things, I overanalyze, I cling, yadayada, etc. So, let's try this another way. Let's realize that the little things don't matter in the long run, that I'm a great person just as I am, and that if I can get through the last year, I really can do anything.

I need to find a mantra, something to tell myself when I start to get wound up or worried. These last two months have been so blissfully free of drama and concern and pain, and I'd like it to stay that way.

A hobby would be good. Other than books :p Maybe I should pick up writing again. I just feel sometimes like my thoughts aren't worth reading? But then again, it's for me, so who cares what they think?


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