Saturday, October 3, 2009


You know, when you're a history major, people will invariably ask you if 'you want to teach.' I can't even count the times people have assumed I'm going into teaching. There really are so many options for history majors, but becoming a teacher seems to be an assumed profession. For this reason, teaching had always been on my back burner. I was tired of people (including parents) trying to railroad me into becoming one. has always been on my mind as a career choice, not because it's the 'sensible, or ideal choice,' but because the amount of impact you have on people's lives as a teacher is immeasurable. I've learned a lot about myself over the past couple years working at EdMS. I know that sometimes I have trouble being patient, but that I'm also a leader. I'm that go-to girl when someone needs help, or needs a problem solved. I don't take crap from anybody, and I know when to lend a hand. It's only been recently that I've realized that I would, in reality, make a darn good teacher. I always thought that perhaps I'm a bit too impatient...maybe a little too bossy...maybe too fond of telling people what to do... but then thinking back on my teachers... the good ones knew how to handle 'problem students,' and were really people who could think outside the box and still get the job done. I think I could be good :)

It's really something I've been thinking about for quite some time, at least a couple years. Whenever I thought about what I wanted to be, what my 'big kid' job should entail...I invariably came back to becoming a high school history teacher. I love history. LOVE. I love realizing that patterns occur over and over, that the countries we see as so different really follow some of the same paths. I love learning about the random and crazy tidbits (defenestration, anyone?). I want students to love it too. I want to inspire people like my teachers (not just history) inspired me. When people think about who had the greatest impact in their lives, teachers undoubtedly make the majority of the lists. I want to change people's lives. I want to make them better. I want kids to love my class, to love learning about history. I want them to realize that history doesn't have to be a painful exercise in memorization. I want creativity.

I suppose I'm being overly idealistic. I know it's going to be hard. I know my feelings will be hurt probably daily, that I will go home exhausted and have to get up and do it all over again. I'll probably catch more colds than I know what to do with, I'll have to follow state standards and figure out how to keep kids in line.

But I'm so excited. I really want to do this.

Wish me luck, I'm meeting with the advisor program on Monday! Let's hope she thinks I'd be a good teacher too :)


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