Friday, July 24, 2009

I get a raise...sort of

I haven't written in a while. I know you're devastated. I actually wonder if anyone reads this. I don't think I have any followers (I never bothered to look, but I assume they notify you) and although the link to this is posted on my facebook, I doubt there are many who are curious enough to click. Truly, this is fine by me. I am not writing for the anonymous masses in cyberspace. Writing is therapeautic (clicheeee) and I enjoy putting thoughts down. Anyways, there hasn't been much to talk about. My diet, well, went down the toilet when cookies and cupcakes got brought home from the grocery store (not me!!). I have no self-control. sigh. I was thinking about it though, about my weight and dieting, and even though I'm not happy the way I look now, I sure wasn't happy when I was skinny. I had problems with eating disorders, and truly thought my little 110-lb frame was grotesque. So..why should I be striving to be skinnier, when clearly I can never be skinny enough? Why not just eat what I want and be ok with the extra pounds? I'm not obese or anything. I could use some more exercise for health reasons. But really, why do I need to be skinny? For you? Just a thought. I'll be eating a cupcake when I get home.

I've been reading books quite a bit lately, a product of my extra free time and lack of cable tv. Currently on The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova. Huge, long, wonderful historical fiction. I love it. It's a vampire book for anti-Twilighters. No sparkles anywhere, just beautiful settings and wonderful characterization. I found it funny that the reviews I read on the book said it was too long, dragged on, etc etc. The longer the better, please! I read too fast for most books, this one has actually taken me a few days. Keeper! Speaking of Twilight...I read the Midnight Sun manuscript a few days ago while at work, and it was interesting. Made it an entirely new story. Still a poorly written, overly emotional story, but a new one. Heh.

Other than reading, I've been looking for a second job. My hours are getting cut due to budgetary restraints at the library, and I can no longer pay rent. My guitar is up for sale on craigslist and facebook, which I hope will bring in enough to cover my car insurance. I'm not trying for pity, it's just a fact of life that minimum wage isn't enough to support oneself on. I am glad that it's getting raised, but the 50 or so cent upgrade I'm getting isn't going to make much of a difference. It makes me curious as to how the general populace survives. Many work at the minimum wage level, and have families to boot. How on earth do they eat? I am lucky enough to live in a city where the standard of living (by US standards, at least) is fairly low. I pay about 335$ in rent, which is quite low compared to many of my friends in more expensive cities. Most of these friends/people I know are lucky enough to have parents supplementing their housing costs. Me, not so much, and I'm realizing how important it is to get a good, decent paying job. An on campus library job is great when mom and dad are paying the bills and you ned some extra going-out money. I'll be very glad when I graduate and am able to take on a full time job. Not living from paycheck to paycheck is definitely something to be treasured.


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