Monday, July 13, 2009

Grad School Inadequacies (Sp?)

Haha. Title says it all.

I've been looking for grad schools in History and/or Museum Studies to apply to for Fall 2010. Seems a long way off, but in reality I need to start making a list of places to apply and the supporting materials. I've taken the GRE, convinced three faculty/boss to recommend me, and I think I've narrowed it down to about 4 or 5 schools that I'd like to try for.

Unfortunately, I don't have the GPA. Don't get me wrong, the first 2 or so years of college, I rocked it. Dean's List, all the good stuff. Unfortunately, I've been sucking big time. My history (major GPA) is a 3.5; I'm hoping that since I want a grad degree in will make up for my pathetic 3.2 overall GPA. I'm so embarrassed by it. I could have done so much better. I suppose my only chance now is to kick massive collective ass this last semester and hope that it pulls it up enough to get me in.

Hope hope hope....

I have no idea what to do if I don't get in. I need a contingency plan.

I'm panicking pretty obviously over this.

In interesting news, A+M is offering an introductory course in Museum Studies this fall. I'm going to take it and see if it is truly something I am interested in applying for. If not, history it is.

I need advice.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what kind of advice to ask for or where to get it from.

The H is from the History Channel. After looking at it again....HOGWARTS!. haha. You better believe I have my midnight (well, 12:25) tickets!


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