Friday, July 24, 2009

Beer as a metaphor

I'm writing twice today because I'm trying to formulate ideas in my head that are better served being slapped down in a blog. Organization is easier when I can see what I'm thinking. Someone at work today asked everyone what they did to dunk their ring. At Texas A+M, dunking your ring, or more specifically, putting your ring in the bottom of a pitcher of beer and chugging it, is quite the tradition. One I did not partake in. At the time, I was somewhat more into partying and alcohol, and was fully aware that an entire pitcher of any sort of alcoholic beverage would send me to the hospital. However, when thinking about it today, I began thinking about the fact that in all actuality, I don't drink anymore. Sure, there's beer in our fridge, but it's entirely the boy's domain. I can't actually remember the last time I finished an entire beer.

So, why? About a year ago, I could be said to have enjoyed partying, getting tipsy and/or wasted. Now? No way. In fact, I don't see the point. I like my brain cells, thank you very much. I felt like such an old woman when I chastised this particular co-worker for wanting to take 10 shots (IN ONE SITTING). But honestly, the things college kids do to their bodies for the sake of some booze is pretty horrific. Just look at the dunking tradition. An entire pitcher. As fast as possible. And then let's drink some more! No, thank you. I'm good. I don't think I'm superior to anyone because I don't drink, so don't get that opinion. Mainly, I'm realizing that my aversion to alcohol can be seen as somehow, me growing up? (To be fair, many adults never grow out of this alcohol obsession) I no longer have interest in hanging out with the same group of friends that I did a year ago. They all party. All the time. On the other side of the wall, I get up for work at 8am and read books the rest of the day. And I like it. I don't want stupid pictures of me all over the internet, I'd like to be able to remember my nice nights, and to be completely candid, I don't think that strong, lasting friendships are formed over a beer pong table.

This probably isn't making much sense. Hmm. I guess I'm just surprised at how much a person can change in their interests and social life in the span of a year. However, I don't quite see it as a change. This is just who I used to be, before college peer pressures got in the way of reading books and eating cupcakes.


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