Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Favorite Things

I attempted to look cute today. Who knows if I succeeded. Thanks to a combination of a generous boyfriend and a credit card that will take me forever to pay off, I managed to pick up a few new (used) things to wear. Plato's closet is great, but being the size I am...not so many choices for me. I did manage to get a few nice things though. And goodwill! Got new jeans! I love old clothes! \

Work is starting to stress me out. I enjoy quiet environments, and it is decidedly not quiet here anymore. Too many people! I don't do large groups. Hermit, loner, what have you. I don't like it! I've been applying for other jobs (along with being noisy, my hours are getting cut. Humph) and heard back from one. Cross your fingers? I feel like I should have a better paying job by now. I'm still making minimum wage, and that irks me. Does almost being graduated from college really count for nothing? The boy sent me an interesting article about how four year degrees are really a stupid idea, and I'm starting to agree. Why is it so important for my future that I take four (or more) long years of required classes? Why does being in a huge playpen of undergraduates who have no love of learning = good employee potential? I'm at the point where I'm counting up my loans and thinking that perhaps I should have gone to community college, if at all. I love to learn, please don't misunderstand, but I hate college. I hate being forced to take math when I have no interest in it. I find it disappointing that there are only a smattering of interesting history classes to take anywhere (at least for undergrad). I don't like the drinking culture, I have no interest in school spirit, and I'd much rather have read history books on my own for four years (and probably have learned more!). College is a good option for some people. In my household, it was required. It just wasn't for me.

Enough of that! The two pictures are of a neat pop-up card I found on etsy...and of some nom-worthy cookie monster cupcakes courtesy of this blog. Delish!


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