Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ramblin on

Ok, I'm not sure why I am attempting to type a blog on this keyboard. It likes to screw up majorly, and delete everything. So who knows if this will even make it to the blogosphere. Heh. Anyways I'm still enjoying the hell out of my life, at least for another 5 days until school starts. Work is GREAT! I don't know if I wrote about my promotion, but yes, promotion has started and I'm busy busy. It's not too bad. Also, my favorite red-headed patron has returned from summer break. (:

I will admit that living alone is pretty lonely. It gets a little boring, but at least I'm at work 9-5. I'm realizing as I'm writing this that I really have no reason to be writing.

Oh! I am excited to be getting my loan refund! That's what I can do, I'm gonna make a list of shit to buy.

- Kitty! Lainey is holding on to my new kitty that I have yet to meet until I have money for the pet deposit/pet goodies
- New computer. I was thinking about getting a good gaming laptop off of newegg, because it's a better deal than getting a laptop.
- Hairdye. I'm gonna make my hair purdy.
- More tattoo? I'm torn on this one. On one hand I don't want more attention on my back. On the other hand, maybe if I added a bit that I really loved, I wouldn't feel so self-conscious.
- Piercing? Maybe?

There are other things, I'm sure, but I need a soda


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