Friday, August 21, 2009

Life is Good

I'm getting awfully bad at writing these in a timely manner. It's for a good reason though- I've had a social life! The last couple of weeks have collectively been the best/worst I've had in a long time. The stress of breaking up with a long-term boyfriend that you live with is not something I would recommend to people. However, when that breakup leads to you being a happier person, I think it can officially be considered a change for the better. It's been a blast, honestly. I've met new people, went to parties, had a girls' night, etc etc. And it's been exhausting, but liberating. I love being able to go where I want, do what I want. And surprisingly, I'm not lonely living by myself. I really enjoy having my alone time, maybe watching some True Blood (good!) or reading a Maeve Binchy novel that I'm into right now. In hindsight, I should have kept up my social life while I was with the ex. I have a terrible tendency to ignore dear friends, and that is something I will not do again. I'm having too much fun!

As for the rest of my life, there have been some all around improvements in other areas as well. I work at the library, and my friend Hillary is leaving us to go on to her 'big girl' job at Special Olympics. I'm very happy for her, and will miss her terribly (mostly because she is my buddy in the war against our co-worker). However, I am lucky enough to be taking her place, which essentially is as a student supervisor. I got promoted! I really wasn't expecting it, but I know I can do the job well, and of course the raise doesn't hurt. I am pretty nervous about remembering all the new things, and also about being in 'a position of power.' It isn't that I'm not capable of telling people to do things, it's that everyone I work with is around the same age as me, and I've worked with them for months, if not years. It's a little awkward being able to order them around. I think for the most part I'll keep my mouth shut. I'd like to keep the friends I have at work, not make them think I'm domineering.

So that's the job, and the social life. Both are doing swimmingly. I do hope that I have time to go to some concerts this weekend, if I can rustle up some cash. I don't think it would be too boring to go by myself. Right? We shall see.

I'm considering making some changes in my life. First off, I want a pet. :) I've never had one, EVER, and I think it's about time for a furry friend. As far as I know, I'm getting a kitten, as long as my apartment complex allows them. I keep meaning to check on that. But regardless, I'm gonna get one and enjoy the hell out of it. Also, I think I might be getting another tattoo. Boo and hiss me all you want, but I'm always going to love tattoos. It comes with the package. Anyways, I have this big back tattoo that is essentially a paragraph. It gets a lot of looks, compliments, and hostile stares, and I think I want to make it bigger. hehe. Go big or go home, right? I'm going to go back to the guy who did the original one, and see if he can spruce it up a bit. Mom will be thrilled. She probably won't be too happy with my eyebrow piercing or hair dye. I think my family/friends are used to my multi-colored hair by now though. This makes me sound like I'm going through a rebellious teenage angst phase of some sort. No, who I really am involves weird hair and piercings. I had tamed myself down for the sake of a relationship, and that's another thing that won't happen again.

Another pretty big change I'm contemplating is going to church. I was raised Catholic, and up until about 6th grade, I went to Sunday School and occasionally to church. I never really felt comfortable in the Catholic environment, however, and have pretty much shunned the ecclesiastical since then. Lately though, I honestly feel like something might be missing, and maybe what's missing is a spiritual life. It makes me a little uncomfortable to admit it. To be honest though, I have no idea where to start. I think all my friends consider me a liberal hippie atheist, or something along those lines. It's the unfortunate side effect of body modifications. It makes me worry that if I did attempt to go to church, I wouldn't be welcomed.

Anyways, that's my extra-long ramblings for the day. Back to work!


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