Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's slightly slow at work

I don't actually have that much to update, but I felt like blogging. This week has gone by fairly quickly, and the weather is finally beautiful! Who knows how long that will last though :p It's been ranging from snow (SNOW!) to balmy 70s for the last few months. Maybe spring is finally here to stay. The bluebonnets are coming out, and they look beauuutiful. I need to be one of those crazy people who runs across traffic to take pictures. Hehe.

Been feeling good today, mostly because Matt came home and surprised (scared) me for lunch. Gotta love thinking you're alone in the house and some giant man walks through the bedroom ;) Anyhoo, it's nice to be thought of.

I decided, in contradiction to previous thoughts, that I need to take my last class in the fall. I have no idea whether it will be Latin or French; I need to take my MARS placement for French to see how many classes would be left. If only one, then I'm taking French at Midland online, which is significantly cheaper and easier (and I would be able to work somewhere full time)

As for the job front, well I'm still trying to find one. Still haven't heard back from the interviews. Starting to worry unnecessarily. Anyhoo.

Like I said, no real reason for updating. Here's a pretty picture of New Mexico to make you happy.


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