Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This week is going to be a busy but hopefully not too stressful one. I'm finally getting some responses to my applications, and I've got three interviews this week. I had a phone interview yesterday, which I will hear back from soon (I hope). I'm meeting with a temp agency Thursday to see if they can place me anywhere, and then Friday I have an interview at Sears. I'm just going to keep applying to anything and everything I can think of. Something will come up. I hope. Matt is the positive thinker in this relationship. He's my support. This last week has been rough, and he's been great at trying to take my mind off of everything.

Technically, last week was spring break, but neither Matt nor I really got a vacation. Matt's co-workers were all out of the office for some reason or another, so he was obviously a little bit busy. I grovelled for hours and ended up working Saturday, Mon-Tues, and Thursday, and also made some money doing a project for my boss personally. That was my favorite part of the workweek, doing the editing project. I have no idea where to look for jobs like that, but I think I'd enjoy it.

Anyways, we did manage to have a short vacation to Houston to see my dad. I'm really glad we went; it seemed to perk my dad up and we all had a little fun. Saturday morning I was sick as a dog up since 4am, but being the good daughter (hahha) I drove us to Houston anyways around 10 and perked up. The weather was atrocious, but we stuck to our plan of touring the Battleship Texas. Good Lord. It was cold. And wet. And there were little spindly ladders and tight spaces everywhere. I seem to remember it being bigger 10 years ago....(funny how that works?). Matt and Dad had a BLAST. I will post pictures at some point. They kept trying all the locked doors and crawling into spaces they probably shouldn't have. Dad was disappointed that the engine room was closed for repairs. I wasn't.

After the battleship we were all pretty soggy, so decided to try the Galleria for some indoor fun. Wow. I guess spring break + bad weather = CROWDS! I don't believe I've ever seen it that crowded. Matt enjoyed the Lego store though ;) We didn't wander around too much, ended up at a sports bar eating oysters and drinking beer (Matt had popcorn, not much of a fish eater). Headed off back to dad's hotel after waiting for our car for over 20 mins. In freezing rain. Oi.

Dad wanted to try this pub right by this hotel, which ended up being a great little place, looked like an English hunting lodge on the inside. The giant chandelier made of beer was awesome :) We proceeded to pig out on pub food and beers of various types. Dad was thrilled with the place and decided he would be coming back often (we'll see!). Crashed in bed around 11 or so; we had thought the Corvette Expo seemed like fun, but decided on the less expensive route of Katy Mills, which was about 5 miles from the hotel. Matt LOVED the mall, we found a comic shop and got about 5 each, and just had fun wandering around looking at all the stuff. Matt got me some jeans, which was fantastic because I can't remember the last pair that were actually bought and not hand me downs!

All in all, it was a good weekend with my dad. Strange being in a completely different side of Houston, and even stranger seeing him living in a hotel, but he was in good spirits and it cheered both of us up. This is the way our family is going to be from now on, and it's just something I will have to get used to.


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