Friday, March 5, 2010


I feel completely overwhelmed right now. I looked up my loans...and I have to start paying them off in June. When I don't have a degree to show for it. 21,000$. That's over 100$ a month for the next ten fucking years. I can barely afford anything as it is, how am I supposed to pay this too?! This is ridiculous. I can't find a job without a degree, but I can't afford to finish it until I find a better job. And now this? This system is ridiculous. Everyone tells you to get a degree...but why? All I have to show for college is a crapload of debt and a crappy job. Apparently I can apply to defer it since I'm below the poverty line. Not that it's a comfort (being in 'poverty')

And, I've recieved three replies from job applications. One rejected me for (wait for it) not having a degree yet, and two were scams. Goddamit. I'm getting tired of this. I didn't go to college to work at mcdonalds.


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