Monday, April 5, 2010

Hiding From the Office Stress

Eeesh Monday's are rough at the office. Everyone was in all sorts of a rotten mood because the lovely people that work with us didn't show up for Easter, and they had to fire someone. Along with other things; everyone was just shooting off bad juju. I escaped ASAP.

Matt's got my car, since his is almost out of gas. I think this is the closest to flat broke we've been since I met him. Eesh. However, we have a giant packet of ramen noodles and a roof over our heads :)

This weekend was Easter, and we spent most of it in Waco with his family. I do like his family, I just feel awkward around happy family times lately, with what's been happening with mine. They're fun though, and made great burgers Sat night and watched Dr. Strangelove. Only problem with the house is the smoke. Three smokers + one allergic to smoke girlfriend = pure misery. I was in a terrible mood by Sat bedtime, just from being unable to breathe (and matt's mom insinuated i was fat, but we aren't going there). I was all for just heading home in the morning, but I stuck it out and I'm glad I did. We went to the Cameron Park Zoo, which was unexpectedly beautiful and fun. Very well planned out and flowers everywhere. Since it was Easter, it was essentially empty, and slightly drizzy weather meant it wasn't too hot. It was a good time. I hope his family thinks I'm good for Matt. I plan on being around for quite some time.

Speaking of which, Matt and I were discussing our wedding (whenever that will be!) and we're pretty much on the same page. Neither of us want a church wedding, we'd rather have a member of our family marry us. Attendants (grooms+bridesmaids) are completely unimportant to us. And we want an inflatable bouncy castle, a cupcake tier cake, and lots of booze. You better believe we're gonna have a heck of a fun wedding! lol! Not that we can afford to even get engaged at this point, but I'm trying to help Matt get over his wedding fears. ;)

On the job front, I've got an interview with the College Station Visitors Center tomorrow morning. My boss is pissed that I'll be late, but I've got to find a new job somehow. I'm doing the best I can to balance job-searching and my current job.

Oh! Matt and I are going to a lecture by Stephen Hawking tonight! We are so excited!


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