Monday, April 12, 2010



I got a job! Hoorah! :)

As my many (two) readers know, I have been on the hunt for new employment for quite some time. It was a combination of factors. My job at the library did not have any opportunity for advancement, the hours were not conducive to my happy home life, and I didn't make enough money to feel like an equal partner in my relationship. I have nothing against the job, it's great for students, and the bosses are wonderful. It just wasn't a good match anymore. Therefore, back in February or so, I started to look. Many MANY applications and several interviews later, I finally received an offer!

::drumroll no.2::

My new position is as a Legal Assistant at the Brazos County Attorney's Office! The great thing about this job is that it is in the field that I am interested in. I had planned on doing a paralegal program at some point, but this is a great way to see if I'm interested in this as a career without having to pay for classes just yet. And it's in the courthouse! So important! At least, I like to think so. The money is good (I'm making as much as Matt, so no problem feeling equal now!!) and the hours are even better: a normal 8-5 job! Yay! My duties are going to include some secretarial work, such as phones, etc, but I'm also going to be preparing dockets for trial and editing tapes to show to juries. Sometime this week I'm going to go to old job at library where we have the movie editing software I will be using. Want to get a leg up on the job duties, ya know?

Obviously, I'm excited. I finally feel like I'm going somewhere. I've been stuck in such a bad rut for so long, it's wonderful to feel like I'm actually growing up. I have my last few days at work this week, and then it's off to the new job on the 19th! I'm pretty scared. New people and new situations = running away. :p Matt is being nice and supportive, which is helping.

Can't wait to start bringing in the bacon!!


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