Friday, February 26, 2010

Good lord don't step on that AAHHHH#($*#

I stepped on the scale today. Boy am I a whale. I've gained 40 pounds since high school. That's roughly 10 pounds a year. That's a lot. That = (deep breath) me weighing approx 170 pounds. I'm 5'1". I should be weighing MAX 140. Good lord. I'm a cow. A giant bad-hairdo-awkward-clothing-cow. ugh. UGH. UGHGHGH. There aren't even words to express how disgusted I am that I got this way. I was in great shape in high school. I was always working out though. Now, not so much.

Diet day 1. I am hoping that by blogging about this, by putting everything I eat and everything I do (and don't) do, I will feel a little bit more motivated to keep this going. The whole world can read this, ya know?! Right?! Ok, I have all of one follower, so maybe not the entire world....but I'll think that for motivational purposes.

What a crappy rotten day.

In the interest of full disclosure, I may have eaten two cookies and a couple bites of ice cream today. This was BEFORE I stepped on the SOB scale. hah. SOBSCALE. thats about right. You sob when you stand on it.

I have no desire to be anorexic mind you. I just want to get down to about 10 pounds over my high school weight. So 140ish. And maybe not have the cottage cheese thing going on. That'd be nice.

So anyways, Day 1.

Breakfast- Toaster Studel
Lunch- Healthy choice (good!)
Depressed grab for ice cream around 3 oclock (bad)
Dinner- Tuna salad sandwich and low fat strawberry yogurt, oh and some V8 fusion for fruits and veggies (GOOD!)

So, stay tuned. I may go cry in a book for a little while.


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