Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh, shoot, I meant to write something in here, but it got awfully busy at work, and I get too distracted at home to write in this.

As usual, nothing is going on. I could go on about how my "friends" are not being very friendly, but it's not worth bitching about. Even though I just did. Oops. Life with Matt is fantastic. We have our squabbles, but we are able to resolve them pretty quickly and without yelling! It's great! I guess that's not really something to brag about, but I think the fact that we have a mature argument style really works for us. 99% of the time we get along great, we show each other how much we appreciate and love each other, and so on. I have very high hopes for this one. VERY high. lol.

His parents are coming in this weekend. I can't tell if they like me or not. I think they're pretty nifty, kinda like hippies, but older lol. I will hopefully make some amazing dish that will win them over. Or not. Who knows. :D

School is not really school at the moment. Once a week I go to the bowling alley and drink sodas/bowl. For a grade. hah. I do miss real classes. I miss learning, but I don't miss the work. It's lovely to have my evenings/weekends to play. I've been becoming a much better cook, and watching loads of movies, playing lots of games. It's great. I may audit a class next semester just for the heck of it.

Anyways, back to work


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