Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I always seem to forget to update when I have the most going on. I've been a busy bee lately. I had my latin final last Friday, and it was MUCH harder than the midterm. He picked a passage from a day that almost everyone (including myself) missed class, so I had no clue what I was doing. All I needed was a 48 to pass the class, so I'm not tremendously worried about it. Graduation is Saturday, and my whole family (minus Grandma) is coming down to see me. I hope it goes ok, no divorce drama or anything. I think afterwards we will go to Ozona's for lunch (mostly cause i LURVE Ozona's) and hang out for a little bit before I have a wedding to go to that night. It hasn't really kicked in yet that I'm graduating, but I suppose that's because I don't have my grades yet.

Matt and I decided to move, and spent AGES looking for a cheaper but just as nice place (HA). We were about to give up when I convinced him to go look at the places right behind us, and BINGO! New place! They've updated the older apartments with nice laminate wood floors and new fixtures, etc, and even better, they are over 100$ cheaper a month! This will help us quite a bit with saving for our house :) Hopefully the walls won't be so thin in this new place...

As for getting married....well, I have this feeling that it's coming soon. Like next couple of weeks soon.


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