Thursday, November 4, 2010

Killing Time

I've run out of nerdy websites to drool over. And clothing websites. Btw, if I could buy every dress on, I would. amazerrging! Of course, most of them only go up to Large, which, ahem, my plentiful assets exceed by just a little bit. Anyhoo, lots going on!

I got my latin test back, so hellooo graduation! (I got a 92, btw, no applause necessary) I'm excited, but now terrified that I won't find a job. The interview I had last wek that I thought had went so well hasn't contacted me for a second interview. Oh well. :( There just aren't a whole lotta jobs for little old me! I'm very VERY tempted to just go to grad school and be a perpetual student. Too bad I let my grades sink. Anyways. Hopefully everyone will make it down for my graduation. I really don't WANT to walk the stage, but I'm pretty sure after waiting 5.5 years, my parents may just strangle me if I don't walk.

This is the first holiday season that I will be experiencing as a post-divorce child, and so far it's been difficult. Matt and I have to figure out how to make his parents, my mom/grandma/sisters, and my dad happy. Not an easy feat. I think (THINK) we have most of Thanksgiving figured out, but my mom hasn't said yet whether she wants us to come down, so it all may change. Christmas is going to be difficult as well, but luckily most of us have vacation during that time, so that gives us a little breathing room to see people. I don't want any of my family feeling lonely on the holidays!

In more fun news, this weekend is 3 days for us! Woo! It's Matt's last vacation day of the year (other than holidays) and we are going to Waco on Saturday to see his parents. And go to his favorite comic book store & hamburger joint. heh. Tomorrow I think I'll drag him to a bakery I've been wanting to try, and then reward him with homemade pizza for dinner. I need to buy some new jeans at some point.

On the marriage and house front, things are very much up in the air. Not as in, we can't decide whether we realllyyy want to be married, but as in, it depends on if I have a job, etc. If I have a job in the spring, but for some reason don't have health insurance and/or can't afford my own, we are getting married at the courthouse ASAP in order to get me on Matt's health plan. If we can wait, then we will probably be getting hitched in October-ish? Even if we do the whole icky courthouse thing, we will probably still do a 'real' wedding so I can get a dress, shoes, etc. ;) As for the house, if I have a job in the spring, that puts us over the income limit, and we will wait. If I don't find a job, or am still under the income limit, then we will start house hunting. AND if we decide to start house hunting, that means courthouse wedding and no real wedding for a couple years. Oh right, and if we start looking for a house, probably no engagement ring. (DRATS!)

It's all very convoluted. Oh, and I've started having baby pangs. It's freaking me out. I never actively wanted children before, but I guess now that my hormones feel safe and provided for, they've decided to start screaming at me to procreate. Yikes!! Just to clarify, no I'm not pregnant, and we have NO plans to have any for at least a few years. Too many video games to play!! :D

I really can't believe that I'm discussing marriage and a house, let alone babies. After Evil Ex and I broke up, I was dead set against any of this crap for at least a few years. Looks like fate had other ideas for Matt and I. I couldn't be happier with him. He is truly my other half, and I really didn't realize that it was possible to be this far into a relationship and be this HAPPY! All the time!! He is always making me laugh and picking me out of the dumps. Even when things feel so awful rotten that I just want to crawl in a hole, he's there to hug it better. Love it!!

Oh, and just so I have this in writing, Matt agreed last night (sober) to get a tattoo of me on our 5 year anniversary. HAH!!


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