Monday, December 27, 2010

Proposal Story!

Well, even though my brain knows I don't have to go to work today, apparently my body doesn't! I figured I'd go ahead and get my proposal written down before it all melts away!

So, I've known this was coming for a while, but it was still a big surprise and wonderful! Matt and I went a couple of months ago to pick out rings, and he knew I had my heart set one a particular one. One weekend a couple weeks ago, he told me he and his brother were going to the shooting range. I had my suspicions that he was buying the ring, but when he came home with a shot up target, I figured well, darn, they really did go shooting! Little did I know that they indeed had gone to the mall, and had stopped by their work to pick up an old target of Jason's to cover their butts! Tricky devils!!

Last week I started to get antsy, because I had a suspicion that it was coming pretty soon. I even dressed up in heels on the Thursday before Xmas, convinced it was going to be that night! Well, it wasn't, but turns out while I was at work that day, Matt was picking up my ring, which wasn't actually supposed to be there until Xmas eve. Luckily it came in early! We headed off to my mom's house for Christmas with them, and he told me he was nervous all weekend whenever he thought about it. My mom actually asked him flat out about his "intentions" with me before we left on Christmas, so I figured a proposal that day was out of the question.

We got back to our home, and exchanged our presents for each other. Matt set up our new Wii, and for the next couple hours we sat there playing video games. Well, I did. I may have monopolized it just a teeny bit. Around 4 or so I went upstairs to take a shower, and remember thinking to myself, "well, I didn't get my proposal, but that was an AWESOME Christmas, and I am so lucky!" Little did I know he was setting things up downstairs! I cleaned up and headed downstairs, Matt poured us some drinks, and I settled back on the couch, assuming we'd just play video games some more. He got up, brought over the Christmas poppers, and suggested we open them! He had never seen the poppers before this Christmas, but they are a tradition in my family and my mom had given us two to pop that night. We had already popped some at my mom's house, but I didn't manage to get the cap to go off in mine, so when he gave me the popper at home, I was really determined to pop the heck out of it! I grabbed the little cardboard strip and yanked as hard as I could. The contents went flying, and Matt started to tell me that something flew out across the room. I got up to look for it, and see the cat sniffing at something in front of the movie shelf. I bent over to pick it up, realized what it was, and screamed (just a little). The tears kicked in immediately, and I turned around to look at Matt.

He came over to me, got down on his knees, and through my blubbering, asked me to marry him. I'm pretty sure I nodded, then cried some more, then asked him if he was sure, and asked him to put it on my finger. I could tell he was so nervous! For the next hour or so we just sat on the couch cuddling and giggling, and maybe crying a bit (on my part!). We called my parents about an hour and a half later, and the rest of the night is kind of a blur. I'm pretty sure we played video games some more. :p

Well, that's it, and it was wonderful and a great surprise, and I can't wait to start planning the rest of my life!


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