Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I applied for graduation today. Only about 1.5 years after I was supposed to get that "all-important" sheepskin. Except, I don't think it's important anymore. The hassle and annoyance and expense of college has not been worth it. Do I feel it's important to have an education? Duh! But...I feel no sense of relief, no pride in what I've accomplished. Trying to graduate has taken up so much of my energy and emotions that it just feels numb at this point. And I don't even know if I'll pass Latin! I'll try my best, I always do...but I just don't care anymore. If it doesn't happen this semester, then I'm dropping out. These days, people are being told to leave their degrees of their resumes anyways. Screw it. I have a good head on my shoulders (mmm braaaaaains!...sorry, couldnt resist) and I'll be fine. I've got my honey, I've got a good work history, and I will have a good life, with or without that stupid 24K worth of debt degree. SO THERE!


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