Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My favorite things...

This blog has never been anything resembling a theme. For the most part, it's me ranting or complaining or even occasionally happily burbling about my life. I've never really aspired to be one of the "writer" bloggers, or whatever you would call them. I don't have a cause, nothing interesting really happens to me, and I'm not clever. That being said, I thought I'd share some of the things that are making me smile lately, and what I think about them. I'd love to update this more often with book reviews, things I've cooked that were yummy, etc. We'll see if that happens.

First off, I have been searching for new science fiction/fantasy writers to sink my teeth into. I think I've discovered my new favorite. Terry Pratchett has apparently been writing books constantly for the last couple of decades, and I somehow managed to look the amazing Discworld series for all this time. Shame! My library had a smattering of his books, so I picked one at random and went with it, this being the novel Going Postal.

It is essentially about a crook saved from the hangman's noose by a dictator and ordered to run the decrepit post office. ::crickets chirping:: Sounds a bit boring eh? Well how about letters that come to life, a man obsessed with collecting pins, and clay golems fighting for their freedom? No? Well, then we just can't be friends. The book is hilarious, and is exactly the kind of tongue in cheek humor that I enjoy. I highly recommend the Discworld novels, and I myself plan on looking for as many as I can. Before you start worrying about starting at book one, I think going postal was oh, #33 or so, and I read it with no confusion at all.

On to video games. As you may or may not have gathered, the BF and I are pretty serious gamers. Most of our leftover money each month goes towards a new video game, be it a brand new PS3 title or an old NES copy of Startropics. One game we both absolutely adore is Fallout 3.

I have never been a huge fan of first person shooters. I used to be. Halo used to be my game of choice, and I loved watching my dad play Doom (wayyyy back when). However, I've mellowed a bit, and enjoy a good drink with my video games. This does not mesh well with frantic running and shooting. Hence, Fallout, a game that at first glance is FPS, but is so leisurely to play that you forget about that quickly. And by leisurely, yes, I mean easy. It's one of the only games I have beaten, and without much difficulty. However, it's got a great story, and although you may get tired of the endless gray and brown landscape, the quests are super interesting and it's fun to just roam around shooting at crap and discovering new places. The overall feel of a 50s paradise gone bad is pretty interesting as well. If a well done quest-based FPS is your cup of tea, then Fallout 3 should be where you head. And Fallout: New Vegas comes out in October! YAY! And it looks more colorful! :)

I could say quite a bit more on this , and I may at some point devote an entire entry just to this game. But for now....

That's all folks!


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