Friday, July 16, 2010

I should be in the shower

Instead, I'm sitting on my butt because the air up here is fairly cool and I just don't feel like moving. So there.

Anyhoo, life. Such as it is.

On Monday about 1am I woke up completely unable to breathe, freaking out etc. Lasted about 15-20 seconds and then for an hour afterwards I was feeling poorly. Went to the doctor on Tuesday and was told that this is due to the really bad acid reflux that I've had since elementary school. Kinda scary that heartburn can stop your breathing!! Anyways, he ordered me to cut down or entirely stop drinking soda and alcohol, and lose at least 10 pounds. Sigh. Erg. Bleh. Soda and I are BFFLs. Vodka and I are also BFFs. This was not happy news to me, BUT the fact that it is entirely controllable and fixable made the changes seem not too bad. Therefore, for the last few days, I have cut down to 2-3 sodas a day (this is a SIGNIFICANT decrease) and only one alcoholic drink a night. I've also been eating healthier, with a V8 for breakfast and reduced/healthier portions throughout the day.

I already feel so much better. Aside from being tired at work. But besides that, I haven't had a bad headache in two days, and NO heartburn! Hooray! It's awesome. I don't feel skinnier yet though :p It really is amazing what little changes can do to how you feel. I'm going to keep this up, because I would much rather drink less fizzy/alcoholic drinks and eat less ice cream than have daily headaches and feel awful.

Matt, however, is going to have to stop eating ice cream in front of me, or I may steal it and run away...


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