Thursday, August 18, 2011

Work is slow today

I remember in middle school/high school when updating my xanga/blog was OMGSOIMPORTANT. I suppose it took the place of a diary, of which I still have a few locked away somewhere in a memento box. I've noticed that as I've gotten older, and have things that are actually important, I write less. Maybe because I have less time?

Speaking of time, I have slowed down my book-reading significantly since starting to work full time. All I want to do when I come home is veg on the couch with the hubs..and then I get annoyed that I'm not finishing books as fast as I used to :p

So, being really no different than before, except now we have a joint checking and savings account, which is really no different than before either. I have noticed that we take things much more seriously, in regards to saving, buying a home, having a baby, etc.

So far, we are about 1/3 of the way to our savings goal, which is about 9k. We figure with an FHA mortgage, plus closing costs, this is about all we should need if we buy a house in the 150-175k range (the only good thing about living in B/CS is very nice houses are very affordable). We think we will have enough next summer to start talking to a realtor, which is very exciting :). I can't wait to have my own backyard and my own house with no other people's houses touching it! :D The thought of having to pay for anything that breaks, however, is a bit terrifying. I think that we've thought it through, though, and hopefully anything that comes up we should be able to take care of.

As for a baby, well, we decided (and I don't really mind putting stuff like this on a blog since NO ONE reads it :p) that next summer, after we buy a house, we can start trying :D Hooray! I've already started saving up my vacation/sick time so when the time comes, I don't have to worry about being without my paycheck for a month or two, and we are hopefully planning it so that I will have the summer to recuperate/get used to baby before work gets completely crazy again in the fall. However, some health problems I have been having might cause all this planning to go down the tubes, so we'll see how it goes.

Finally, my job. Is awesome.


Anonymous said...

I remember the days of xanga, I occasionally go back and read mine. I completely understand about the not having time to do stuff or just wanting to relax. I wish there were more hours in the day. I'm very excited for you. Having a goal is such a fabulous thing and I hope y'all reach it. I can't wait until the day I can say I own my own house.

Jenny said...

thanks hannah :) we're trying our best to get where we want, but some days it feels like it's never going to happen. Taking it one day at a time, I suppose, is the way to do it. I just have my fingers crossed that our cars don't break or we don't have some other emergency, cause that would mean starting all over. I'm being negative this morning :p

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