Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I applied for graduation today. Only about 1.5 years after I was supposed to get that "all-important" sheepskin. Except, I don't think it's important anymore. The hassle and annoyance and expense of college has not been worth it. Do I feel it's important to have an education? Duh! But...I feel no sense of relief, no pride in what I've accomplished. Trying to graduate has taken up so much of my energy and emotions that it just feels numb at this point. And I don't even know if I'll pass Latin! I'll try my best, I always do...but I just don't care anymore. If it doesn't happen this semester, then I'm dropping out. These days, people are being told to leave their degrees of their resumes anyways. Screw it. I have a good head on my shoulders (mmm braaaaaains!...sorry, couldnt resist) and I'll be fine. I've got my honey, I've got a good work history, and I will have a good life, with or without that stupid 24K worth of debt degree. SO THERE!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lame blog

I really am pathetic at this blogging thing. When I was younger, I was constantly on my Xanga (throwback!) writing little rants about how unfair life was, and feeling rebellious (but maaa, why can't I go to a bar with a strange man?!). Now, my life is boring, and I have more common sense now...i.e. writing TMI on a public page is really not in the best interests of my future.

So. lame. blog.

There are roughly three weeks left until I start my Latin class. I've been squeezing in study time, and am still nowhere near where I need to be. I'm terrified. What if I don't pass?! Thousands upon thousands of stupider than me college kids do it every year! Why is this one damn class tripping me up?! Ugh. And yes, I realize that that may be the TMI I was previously speaking of. ::pbbttt:: So there.

Matt is comforting, though. If I don't graduate, or find a well paying job, I don't THINK he will be disappointed. Oh, right. yes he will. But he's a good enough guy to pretend that he looves taking care of me and paying for things. :p I need to stop panicing. That will just throw me into super lockdown not able to do anything mode, and no one wants that.

Oh, right. This is boring to you, yes? Well, my life is boring. OOOH but I did make an awesome dinner last night! I had vowed to try out some new recipes, and last night was stuffed mushrooms and baked pasta shells with broccoli and green beans. The pasta ended up being a glorified Velveeta, but was still not bad, and Matt really liked the mushrooms! Success! :) I'll put some pictures up when I get back home. Next up is some cheese ravioli with spinach, and mebbe some biscuits....Matt made some amazing quesadillas on Sat night, OMG can that man make Mexican! Happy belly!

I really do wish I had more interesting things to say, but being somewhat estranged from the majority of my family, I have no interesting tidbits on that front, and frankly, M&I do not have the money to do interesting things. Can we say 20$ til Friday!

OH RIGHT!!! This weekend is the Bayer family reunion in Round Rock at M's aunt and uncle's house. TERRIFIED. I have met a couple members of his mother's side, as well as his brother and sister + niece and nephews.. but I have yet to meet anyone on his dad's side. Apparently this is the "normal" side? Which just terrifies me more because I am not what you call normal, and am just freaking out unnecessarily. I doubt they even want me there, but Matt insists because I'm his "family" (awww). I'm sure it will be fine. SURE. I'm making a cake! ....that I've never attempted before.... Let's cross our fingers that it doesn't poison everyone. I hope it will be ok. I hate meeting people. and I'm chubby. Unrelated maybe, but not to me!

OK, done. Lame little blog.