Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Life

And as usual, it's been months since I've updated. I'll blame it on all the great stuff going on right now :p And the stressful things.

We've been in our house for about 5 months now! It's amazing, honestly. I love the colors we've put on the walls, I love that the grass is growing back all lovely, and most of all, I love that we have not gone broke! WIN! :) It really has been a great time, making this house ours, decorating, buying furniture... Most days when I come home from work, I can't believe it's my house. MINE. It feels so incredibly grown up to be paying a mortgage, and even though it's been fun, it's also been a learning experience. Thank goodness Matt knows how to mow a lawn, fix toilets, and calm me down when  cracks appear (apparently because the drywall seams weren't taped, nothing structural). I would be lost without his help. And he would be lost without my decorating sense ;)

So far we've painted the lower half of the dining room brown, a nice big accent wall bright red in the living room, and used a nice sky blue to paint both the ceiling in our bedroom and an accent wall in the guest room/nursery. We are going to IKEA tomorrow to pick up a nice (well, nicer than what we have) tv stand so we can condense all the shelves we have in the living room, which will in turn allow us to re-organize the office. Let's see, what else have we done.. Oh, we fixed the main line into the house that was leaking, which ended up being not as big a thing as I thought (thank goodness). We also replaced some windows, re-seeded the grass (looks so good!!), and re-mulched all the flower beds in the front.

Hmm...bad things that may have happened? Well, we had a huge storm about a month ago that broke one  of our trees in half, but thanks to luck, it didn't damage anything. Just looks wonky. We've had to fix the toilet in our bedroom a couple times, but it was a cheap fix... The cat has managed to pretty much destroy the lower half of the door going into the garage. Ah yes, the cat. Well, we tried to allow her to stay in the house overnight and while we were gone, but she, as usual, decided to be destructive, so in the garage she goes! She has a nice little set up out there with food, toys, blankets, but I still feel a bit bad that we have to do that. Funny enough, she seems to LOVE having a huge space to roam around; she runs in there on her own when we open the door. Helps alleviate my guilt.

I suppose that's enough about the house, but really, it's just amazing being a homeowner. Even the annoying HOA emails we get occasionally, while really, really annoying, can't change how I feel about it.

Work is still going great. I got promoted to LSII (Library Specialist II) in March, with a bit of a raise. I love my job. :) I got accepted to the UNT Library School last year, but wasn't able to go due to budgetary issues...and so this year I've applied for a scholarship through the library. I'm actually extraordinarily stressed out about it right now, because if I don't get it, I just can't go, and god knows when I'll be able to apply Very worried about it. Hopefully will hear soon. If I don't get the scholarship, I'm going to begin a certification program that will lead to a raise..soo that's something. Overall though, I really have no complaints when it comes to my job. Matt is doing great at his; got promoted about 9 months ago to Assistant Art Director, and he has his own office now! It's kinda hot ;)

Speaking of Matt, we've been married about 14 months now. We survived what was at times a very stressful and busy first year, and are enjoying our time together. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He takes care of me and the house without complaint, and is just.. my best friend. I'm sure it seems like I'm being vague, but I don't think I can put into words how much his support and love means to me. We're a perfect pair :)

Oh, and we went to CA this year! My dad is working part time in Irvine, CA, which is outside of LA, and he was nice enough to let us spend a few days there with him. We LOVED it. LA is kind of a filthy city, but we went up to Griffith Observatory and got a really lovely view of the entire metroplex, and the Hollywood sign! We went to Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Beverly Hills, several absolutely gorgeous beaches (I want to go back, especially to Laguna Beach, lovely town), and San Diego! I loved the Zoo, it was incredible. I'm so glad we were able to take a big trip this year :)

Oh yes, and babies. I want one. Now. :p