Friday, June 18, 2010

I couldn't help it :p

OffbeatBride is my favorite...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Oops it's been a while

Gosh, I haven't posted in forever.

Here's the short version

Started new job
Hated new job
Quit new job
Found 'new' new job
Like 'new' new job


Long version:

I started at the courthouse expecting to like it. After all, it paid well, had good benefits, and seemed like a pretty easy job. For the most part, it was easy. Stupid easy. Monkey could do my job easy. As for the secretarial part, my boss was never there. As in would stop in once a week for half an hour to drop mounds of paperwork on my desk, then leave. And I had to tell every person that called that I had no clue when he would be getting back to them. It was ridiculous. That on top of a very negative atmosphere led to me usually coming home exhausted and pissed off. I tried to be positive, but the whole place just reeked of bitchyness and lawyer assholes, and ugh! It was awful! I agonized over my decision to leave though. After all, where was I gonna find another full time job?? After talking it over with Matt and thinking, I decided it wasn't worth it. So I left!


I am now working in the Media Resources department of the College of Veterinary Medicine at A&M. It's a very low key place where the people are friendly and the hours are good. I'm working full time this week, but usually it's just 8-1. So no, I'm not making as much money. However, i have time to do errands, to clean, to relax(!!) and I come home in a much better mood. Matt and I have both benefitted ;)

Other than the job front, things are great! Matt and I just celebrated our 6-month anniversary with a lovely dinner out, and Matt helped me plan a family outing for my 23rd birthday yesterday. My dad finally met his parents and I think (hope!!) it went well. I think it did. I hope. I have no idea. lol! Anyways, my mom and sisters didn't want to come, which was disappointing, but hopefully at some point they will be able to meet his family, who I really enjoy.

Our apartment is great as well, other than some problems with the a/c. And the fact that I just bleached the carpets orange. ORANGE! YIKES!!! hopefully Matt doesn't hit the roof when he comes home....

All in all, things are wonderful. I've registered for latin in the fall, and have begun to get materials together for study, so cross your fingers I can graduate in December!!